Press and Reviews:

“Her solo emerged—from the floor, from her throat, from her personal and historical histories. It kept mushrooming outward, and pulling her witnesses in…The whole air around Lorene felt transformed. I felt implicated by her words, and like at the same time I was responsible for her safety.”–Stormy Budwig for Culturebot, Feb 2017

“ironic and humorous observations…a thought-provoking commentary on social limits”–Caroline Palmer for Minneapolis Star Tribune, Aug 2016

“Her formal dance aesthetics clash with a harsh staccato pushing of the body in her work, with Bouboushian often choosing to engage with other female bodies to produce unusual twists and sounds. Watching her move through performance spaces in unexpected ways has been a delight.” Ayana Evans for Cultbytes, October 2014

“Bouboushian mines both words and movement for their hidden agendas and exploits them to their fullest. She gives a virtuosic performance that unpacks white liberalism, sexual aggression, body image, and dance in viciously wacky ways.”–Maura Donahue for Culturebot, December 2011